Mechanical Repairs
You name it we have got it covered: brakes, suspension, engine, transmission, and clutches. We repair where needed or replace as required. Regular servicing often picks up anything that is deteriorating and enables a repair or fix before some part of the vehicles is broken. Don’t wait for the oil light to come on before you see us.
At our workshop we have a great space to have several cars in the garage all being worked on at the same time, benches, tools and know how. If parts are required, Justin used to run a parts business so he knows exactly where to source any parts that might be required to complete a job.
The two hoists in the workshop give the team ample room to work in even the trickiest situations. There are jacks, cranes, and trolleys about to handle anything requiring a lift.
Take the brakes for example, the experience of the team can easily see the disc brakes up on the hoist and determine the wear, remove it and have it ground to smooth again. Brake pads commonly get worn and it is a simple thing for the team to remove the old and replace with the new, always mindful of the vehicle being as safe as possible for the road.
If the car gets a bit bouncy or squeaky it might be time to have the suspension looked at. It is a requirement of a warrant of fitness to have good suspension, getting them seen to and replaced when there is the beginning of deterioration can save you a lot of frustration later.
Seen a bit of an oil leak on the floor of your garage or on the driveway, and there is nothing obvious to your untrained eyes. That’s when you call Out West Automotive, they will have the car looked at, detect the cause and have it right before you know it.
Then there are those big items. “Oh no the son took the car for a spin and the engine got over heated and….” Or “Oh no the oil light has come on and the car won’t go. I didn’t know you were meant to check the oil!” No worries we can do a full engine replacement. Our mechanic Tom enjoys doing the change over of engines. You should see the look on his face when he has the new one purring like a cat.
A day may come when your automatic just doesn’t seem to change gears the way it should. “It seems I am in 2nd gear all the time!” Transmission replacements are no problem for our team. Speaking of gears, if the clutch should go we have the know how and experience to replace the old for the new.
That’s what we do. We fix your car. We get the mechanical repairs done in a timely and efficient manner charged at reasonable rates. Don’t put off that repair until the engine blows up. Call Out West Automotive now and get sorted.
“Swift and friendly service. Happy client, I will bring my vehicle here again.”
— Dawn Treneary